Una carta escrita el 15 de enero de 2025

en Estados Unidos
future letter to myself

Querido Yo del Futuro,Dear Cami, I hope you have an amazing future and you're rich in relationships and family. As a 15 year old girl, I enjoy going out con mis amigas, learning new cheer skills, making slime and Taco Bell's Baja Blast freeze. But as far as my future , I wish to have ninos inteligente, hermosos, and muy atleticos.. I also hope my future husband is the person I am with right now. I know it might be silly to think about but it’s something I want in life. Even though I want all those blessings, my biggest desire is to have a bright future. Y una educación buena, y mi doctorate degree. Más cosas que me hacen feliz es ver how big and close my family is. I love having a great relacion/ friendship with all my tios, tias, primos y abuelos. Los amo mucho. Something that I really want to improve in is cheerleading. I would love to make it on an all-star cheer team. A lo mejor no es posible, pero nomas quiero ver improvement. I try to make everyday a very active and uplifting day, pero unas veces son las cosas chicas en la vida que me hacen feliz. Por ejemplo, me encanta going on runs and getting that fresh air. I also enjoy laying down, binge watching Gossip Girls while drinking my Baja blast. Otra cosa que me gusta es escuchar música mientras being in a long car ride. One of my small but core memories is cheering and dancing with my teammates en frente de la escula, without a care in the world. Although we aren't all that close, we all enjoy performing with each other. Something I want to touch again is having a caring and respectful partner. Yo creo que amor es muy bonito and having an intimate connection with someone is a beautiful thing to experience. Querio que el me tarte como una reina and make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world even on my low days, waking up next to him everyday, good or bad. I personally think people don’t take relationships seriously anymore, which is very sad. “Hookup Culture” is the most insane thing to ever exist, hopefully when i'm a grown adult that weird trend is over and nonexistent. Mi animal favorito son los pandas. Son muy adorable and cuddly creatures. Espero que un dia I get to “meet” one for the first time. También quiero viajar and explorar el mundo. France, Korea, Dubai, Turkey, esos son los nombres de los países I want to go and visit while I'm young and thriving. It would complete my life if I go to those places. Future Camila, by the time you read this letter, I hope you have accomplished so many things stated in this letter and many more exciting things. I wish the best for our future, you have so many years ahead of you to live for. Enjoy your teen years and adulthood. Sincerely, Camila.

By YoDelFuturo ®

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Una carta del 15 de enero de 2025

en Estados Unidos
future letter to myself

Querido Yo del Futuro,Dear Cami, I hope you have an amazing future and you're rich in relationships and family. As a 15 year old girl, I enjoy going out con mis amigas, learning new cheer skills, making slime and Taco Bell's Baja Blast freeze. But as far as my future , I wish to have ninos inteligente, hermosos, and muy atleticos.. I also hope my future husband is the person I am with right now. I know it might be silly to think about but it’s something I want in life. Even though I want all those blessings, my biggest desire is to have a bright future. Y una educación buena, y mi doctorate degree. Más cosas que me hacen feliz es ver how big and close my family is. I love having a great relacion/ friendship with all my tios, tias, primos y abuelos. Los amo mucho. Something that I really want to improve in is cheerleading. I would love to make it on an all-star cheer team. A lo mejor no es posible, pero nomas quiero ver improvement. I try to make everyday a very active and uplifting day, pero unas veces son las cosas chicas en la vida que me hacen feliz. Por ejemplo, me encanta going on runs and getting that fresh air. I also enjoy laying down, binge watching Gossip Girls while drinking my Baja blast. Otra cosa que me gusta es escuchar música mientras being in a long car ride. One of my small but core memories is cheering and dancing with my teammates en frente de la escula, without a care in the world. Although we aren't all that close, we all enjoy performing with each other. Something I want to touch again is having a caring and respectful partner. Yo creo que amor es muy bonito and having an intimate connection with someone is a beautiful thing to experience. Querio que el me tarte como una reina and make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world even on my low days, waking up next to him everyday, good or bad. I personally think people don’t take relationships seriously anymore, which is very sad. “Hookup Culture” is the most insane thing to ever exist, hopefully when i'm a grown adult that weird trend is over and nonexistent. Mi animal favorito son los pandas. Son muy adorable and cuddly creatures. Espero que un dia I get to “meet” one for the first time. También quiero viajar and explorar el mundo. France, Korea, Dubai, Turkey, esos son los nombres de los países I want to go and visit while I'm young and thriving. It would complete my life if I go to those places. Future Camila, by the time you read this letter, I hope you have accomplished so many things stated in this letter and many more exciting things. I wish the best for our future, you have so many years ahead of you to live for. Enjoy your teen years and adulthood. Sincerely, Camila.

By YoDelFuturo ®

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