Una carta escrita el 12 de octubre de 2022

en Chile
Yo 2023

hello me from the future I hope you have achieved our closest dreams however I also wish you have advanced as far as possible or at least start them it may not be so I hope it is for reasonable reasons not for something that makes us feel justified also in particular I hope you will achieve "that" on the other hand it is a year in my future, your present is not so far away changes are going to happen maybe few but I will open them but personally I hope you will, in summary I expect a lot and nothing from us more specifically from you, finally I hope that we are even happier and that we make others happy with this I want to say goodbye but a close and perfect goodbye

By YoDelFuturo ®

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Una carta del 12 de octubre de 2022

en Chile
Yo 2023

hello me from the future I hope you have achieved our closest dreams however I also wish you have advanced as far as possible or at least start them it may not be so I hope it is for reasonable reasons not for something that makes us feel justified also in particular I hope you will achieve "that" on the other hand it is a year in my future, your present is not so far away changes are going to happen maybe few but I will open them but personally I hope you will, in summary I expect a lot and nothing from us more specifically from you, finally I hope that we are even happier and that we make others happy with this I want to say goodbye but a close and perfect goodbye

By YoDelFuturo ®

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